Value | Meaning |
invalid0 | \brief Represents an invalid type (e.g., where no type is available). |
unexposed1 | \brief A type whose specific kind is not exposed via this interface. |
void_2 | |
bool_3 | |
charU4 | |
uChar5 | |
char166 | |
char327 | |
uShort8 | |
uInt9 | |
uLong10 | |
uLongLong11 | |
uInt12812 | |
charS13 | |
sChar14 | |
wChar15 | |
short_16 | |
int_17 | |
long_18 | |
longLong19 | |
int12820 | |
float_21 | |
double_22 | |
longDouble23 | |
nullPtr24 | |
overload25 | |
dependent26 | |
objCId27 | |
objCClass28 | |
objCSel29 | |
float12830 | |
firstBuiltinvoid_ | |
lastBuiltinobjCSel | |
complex100 | |
pointer101 | |
blockPointer102 | |
lValueReference103 | |
rValueReference104 | |
record105 | |
enum_106 | |
typedef_107 | |
objCInterface108 | |
objCObjectPointer109 | |
functionNoProto110 | |
functionProto111 | |
constantArray112 | |
vector113 | |
incompleteArray114 | |
variableArray115 | |
dependentSizedArray116 | |
memberPointer117 | |
auto_118 | |
elaborated119 | \brief Represents a type that was referred to using an elaborated type keyword. E.g., struct S, or via a qualified name, e.g., N::M::type, or both. |
\brief Describes the kind of type