
\brief Describes a single piece of text within a code-completion string.

Each "chunk" within a code-completion string (\c CXCompletionString) is either a piece of text with a specific "kind" that describes how that text should be interpreted by the client or is another completion string.



\brief A code-completion string that describes "optional" text that could be a part of the template (but is not required).

The Optional chunk is the only kind of chunk that has a code-completion string for its representation, which is accessible via \c clang_getCompletionChunkCompletionString(). The code-completion string describes an additional part of the template that is completely optional. For example, optional chunks can be used to describe the placeholders for arguments that match up with defaulted function parameters, e.g. given:

\code void f(int x, float y = 3.14, double z = 2.71828); \endcode

The code-completion string for this function would contain: - a TypedText chunk for "f". - a LeftParen chunk for "(". - a Placeholder chunk for "int x" - an Optional chunk containing the remaining defaulted arguments, e.g., - a Comma chunk for "," - a Placeholder chunk for "float y" - an Optional chunk containing the last defaulted argument: - a Comma chunk for "," - a Placeholder chunk for "double z" - a RightParen chunk for ")"

There are many ways to handle Optional chunks. Two simple approaches are: - Completely ignore optional chunks, in which case the template for the function "f" would only include the first parameter ("int x"). - Fully expand all optional chunks, in which case the template for the function "f" would have all of the parameters.


\brief Text that a user would be expected to type to get this code-completion result.

There will be exactly one "typed text" chunk in a semantic string, which will typically provide the spelling of a keyword or the name of a declaration that could be used at the current code point. Clients are expected to filter the code-completion results based on the text in this chunk.


\brief Text that should be inserted as part of a code-completion result.

A "text" chunk represents text that is part of the template to be inserted into user code should this particular code-completion result be selected.


\brief Placeholder text that should be replaced by the user.

A "placeholder" chunk marks a place where the user should insert text into the code-completion template. For example, placeholders might mark the function parameters for a function declaration, to indicate that the user should provide arguments for each of those parameters. The actual text in a placeholder is a suggestion for the text to display before the user replaces the placeholder with real code.


\brief Informative text that should be displayed but never inserted as part of the template.

An "informative" chunk contains annotations that can be displayed to help the user decide whether a particular code-completion result is the right option, but which is not part of the actual template to be inserted by code completion.


\brief Text that describes the current parameter when code-completion is referring to function call, message send, or template specialization.

A "current parameter" chunk occurs when code-completion is providing information about a parameter corresponding to the argument at the code-completion point. For example, given a function

\code int add(int x, int y); \endcode

and the source code \c add(, where the code-completion point is after the "(", the code-completion string will contain a "current parameter" chunk for "int x", indicating that the current argument will initialize that parameter. After typing further, to \c add(17, (where the code-completion point is after the ","), the code-completion string will contain a "current paremeter" chunk to "int y".


\brief A left parenthesis ('('), used to initiate a function call or signal the beginning of a function parameter list.


\brief A right parenthesis (')'), used to finish a function call or signal the end of a function parameter list.


\brief A left bracket ('[').


\brief A right bracket (']').


\brief A left brace ('{').


\brief A right brace ('}').


\brief A left angle bracket ('<').


\brief A right angle bracket ('>').


\brief A comma separator (',').


\brief Text that specifies the result type of a given result.

This special kind of informative chunk is not meant to be inserted into the text buffer. Rather, it is meant to illustrate the type that an expression using the given completion string would have.


\brief A colon (':').


\brief A semicolon (';').


\brief An '=' sign.


Horizontal space (' ').


Vertical space ('\n'), after which it is generally a good idea to perform indentation.
